Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Science Fair Project Progress.....

Well it is great to hear and see so many students under way with their testing, investigations and work related to the Science Fair. Just remember this is a major piece of work and needs a decent effort put in for homework to come up with satisfactory projects and findings. By now you should be well under way with your testing and starting to plan out how you will present your findings and conclude your work. (Science Fair begins on Wednesday 25th June).

Display boards are available for purchase from the school library for $10.00 - these boards are perfect for displaying your work - I will up-load a couple of example photos asap of some previous boards for you to view.

Remember you need to have completed and sent off "Ethics Approval" forms along with permission slips and an explanation of your work if you are using human or animal subjects in you work/testing.

Remember if at any stage you are unsure of what you should be doing - just come and ask for help and guidance!

I am looking forward to seeing these wonderful investigations when they are complete!

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