Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Camp Info/Reminders

Thank you to all the parents who have offered to help out on our camp. Great to have your support as I know it can be difficult to get time off with work and family commitments. We will be leaving school at around 9:30 on Monday morning, but the students arrive at school at the normal time with their gear for camp.

Listed below are some reminders.

· Please ensure your child has the necessary gear including lunch for the first day and adequate clothing. (It could be cold so the need appropriate clothing and bedding)

· All clothing and property must be named

· Students should not bring valuables or lollies to camp

· Students and parents who are providing transport need to be here by 9:15 on they day of departure.

· Parents/caregivers staying overnight will need to bring their own sleeping gear. There are cabins with mattresses available.

· If your child requires an inhaler, please ensure they have this with them.

· Any medication should be labeled with instructions and given to me for safe keeping.

Parents/caregivers who want to come and visit us at camp are
more than welcome. You will find the camp by turning left at
Waihola on the road to Taieri Mouth. The camp is approximately
1km along this road, turning right up the hill. The camp buildings
are clearly visible from the road.

Below is a brief summary of what will be taking place on camp
and when, so that if you are wanting to visit, you know what we are up to.

Day 1

Head out to camp at 9:30
Pitch tents
Team activities – based at camp

Day 2

Millennium 6 hour tramp.

Day 3

Based at Lake Waihola
Survivor challenge.
Raft building

The prompt payment of camp fees has been appreciated and all is set
for an enjoyable time. We have planned some great activities so hopefully we get fine weather with not too much wind.
Please contact me if you have any concerns or require any further information.

Parent Interview Notice


Term One Interviews – 11, 12, 13 March

To assist us me providing the best programmes for your child I extend an invitation to meet with you in an interview. Interviews will last for approximately 10 minutes and will provide an opportunity for you to share information.

Whilst no formal information on progress will be given, it is a chance to discuss some Learning Goals that may be of use to your child. It’s clear that when home and school work together, learning is enhanced.

Please indicate to me a time frame that suits and i will try to make a suitable time.

Interview times are as follows:

Tuesday 11 March – 1.15 – 5.30 p.m.

Wednesday 12 March – 3.15 – 5.30 p.m., 6.00 – 9.00 p.m.

Thursday 13 March - 9.15-10am, 3.15 – 5.30 p.m.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Camp Gear List

Here is a list of items required for camp next week, quantities of items are an indication of what might be needed as a minimum to ensure a comfortable time at camp.

☺ Sleeping bag and extra blankets if required.
☺ Pillow or pillow case
☺ Bed Roll
Clothing and personal items
☺ P J’s
☺ Shorts and T shirt (3-4)
☺ Sturdy shoes suitable for walking (gym shoes are fine)
☺ Another pair of shoes (just in case)

Socks (3-4)
☺ Long trousers/track pants
☺ Underwear (3-4)
☺ Warm top (1-2)
☺ Jacket – waterproof if possible
☺ Wetsuit/Swimming togs(in a plastic bag)
☺ Toilet bag and personal gear (toothbrush etc)
☺ Towel and Tea towel
☺ Sunhat and sunscreen
Other equipment
☺ Torch
☺ Any medical requirements
☺ A plastic bag
☺ Writing gear

Packet of biscuits/cake. Everyone shares this for supper, morning tea etc
☺ Lunch for first day
☺ Water Bottle
Students may not bring
· Radio’s, walkmans cd’s, cell phones, ipods
· Money
· Pocket knives
· Make-up, perfumes, hairspray or other unnecessary hygiene products

Friday, February 15, 2008

A Story by Nathan Foley

It was the last day of school the bell rang I grabbed my bag and ran out of the school gates up the road to the drop off point. My mum wasn’t there I look at my new adidas watch 8:50 oh-no I got to get back to school I told my self. So I started to run back, on the short trip back the vicious dog from number 28 got out and was blocking the path way I remembered that I had a lamb chop in my bag. I got it out and said “beg” then the dog started whimpering. I said “I’ll give it to you if you let me past one bark for yes and two for no”. he barked once and let me past I was about to give it to him but said “psyc” and ran. I didn’t get far before he cut me off “fine I said you can have it” I chucked it to him and ran. I made it to school and everyone kept saying what is that smell I looked at my shoes they had dog poo all over them I said to my self I’ll get that dog if it’s the last thing I do!!!

Written by Nathan

Monday, February 11, 2008

Camp Notice 11th February

As part of our Outdoor Education Programme at Balmacewen Intermediate, the year 7 classes will be taking part in a two night camp at Waihola.

The aim of our camp is not only to provide opportunities for enjoyment, adventure and challenge in the outdoors, but also to develop class sprit, co- operation and respect and to provide opportunities for students and teachers to get to know each other outside the classroom.
Our class will be heading to camp on Monday 3rd of March and will be returning on Wednesday 5th of March.

We will be leaving school on Monday at approximately 9:30.
Our first day consist of activities based down at lake Waihola. Day 2 is will involve a six hour tramp along the Millennium track and Day 3 is based at camp where the students take part in team building challenges before we pack up and head home, arriving back at school at approximately 4:00 on the Wednesday.

This camp will only go ahead with the support of camp helpers. If you can help out for the whole camp or even for part of the time your help and support is greatly appreciated. Please fill in the form below if you can assist. As an added bonus helpers don’t have to sleep in tents like the rest of us. J

In order for us to keep costs down and to make it easier to transport students to the Millennium track and back we are relying on parent transport, as well as using the school van, to get students to and from camp. Also indicate on the slip below if you can help out in this area and the number of students you can transport.

Cost – Payment is set at $55.00. This is to cover the cost of using the camp facilities, food, resources and yacht hire. This can be paid directly to the office or to your classroom teacher.
We know it has been an expensive start to the year, please speak to the office if you have concerns regarding payment options.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Swimming Notice

Here is a copy of the latest notice regarding swimming.

7 February 2008

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Once again Balmacewen Intermediate have decided to use Moana Pool’s ‘Swimsation’ programme for our swimming lessons this year. We feel this is more beneficial for your child’s swimming development.

Swimsation coaches will take a half hour session with each class at Moana Pool, four times during the next four weeks. The school swimming sports will be held at the conclusion of these sessions on Friday 14th March.

Room 13’s sessions are as follows:

Session 1
Tuesday 12th Feb 11.00 – 11.30am
Session 2
Tuesday 19th Feb 11.00 – 11.30am
Session 3
Monday 25th Feb 10.00-10.30am
Session 4
Monday 10th Mar 2.00-2.30pm

Our Class will be walking to and from the pool and we require 2 adult helpers per class in order to meet safety requirements. Please complete the form below if you can assist with this.

Children will need to bring their togs and towel to school and they will walk down to the pool and return to school in their correct PE uniform. You will notice that one swimming session concludes at 2.30pm. Students will be able to walk home from the pool for this session if they have parental permission. (Please indicate on the form below).

The cost of swimming has increased slightly this year due to Swimsation and will be $3.25 a session. Please pay no later than one day before each swimming session. Or alternatively you can pay $13 before the first session.

Please complete the permission slip below.

Kind regards

Andrew Sloan

I give permission for ____________________________ to take part in class swimming sessions.
I give permission for ____________________________ to walk home from the pool at 3.00pm following an afternoon swim.

I am able/unable (circle) to help with _________________________________ swimming sessions.

SIGNED: __________________________________

Monday, February 4, 2008

"ME" Introduction Project work.

Below is a copy of the first piece of work to be completed in order to get to know eachother in the class. Students will have until Monday 18th February to complete their work.

Welcome to Room 13 2008!! So, Who are you???
This autobiography/project will introduce you and some of your skills to those who read your work. Below are a series of tasks you are to complete…
All the tasks are investigating you and your special characteristics! Use creative ways of presenting your work; after all it is all about you!!!
o TITLE PAGE – Include your name and photograph of self portrait.
o BEGINNINGS – You may need to ask for some help with this one! Write about the day you were born. When and where were you born? What were you like as a baby? Are there any special stories about your babyhood?
o YOUR FAMILY – Name, Illustrate and describe you family. You may include your extended family and pets.
o Research your FAMILY TREE; complete the sheet with names, dates and places of birth where possible.
o EARLY MEMORIES - Write about an outstanding memory you have – 1st day at school, a success story, a sad time, an accident, losing something, an argument, first freedoms…
o Make an A4 COLLAGE about yourself using magazine pictures and cuttings of words/letters – Be creative with this page – This page will be displayed on the classroom wall so be sure to include your name somewhere in it!
o SPECIAL EVENTS - Write about a special event in your life. Try to express your feelings and describe the occasion through your senses. What did you SEE, HEAR, TOUCH, SMELL & TASTE?
o CHARACTER – What sort of person are you??? List TEN positive qualities/attributes that you have. Is there anything that you don’t like about yourself?
o CHARACTER REFERENCE – Get a family member or close friend to write a character reference for you, they will describe how they see you as a person outlining your qualities.
o A HELPING HAND – Everyone does some things better that others. Divide your page in half and list the things you do well on one side and the things you would like help with on the other. Can we help each other?
o ROLE MODELS – write a letter to a person who has positively influenced your life and tell them why. It may be a family member, friend, neighbour, teacher, coach or someone famous in their field.
o HOLIDAYS, BIRTHDAYS, WEEKENDS - Select at least one of these to complete; What I do at/on…, What I’d like to do at/on…, My ideal….
o THE FUTURE – Where will you be in 2020? What are your hopes, dreams and ambitions? What skills or education will you need to achieve them?

Include a contents page in your work.
Your autobiography is to be presented in your Project Clearfile.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Welcome to Room 13 2008!!

Welcome to the Room 13 blog site, here you will find regular updates of learning and happenings in Room 13 along with any notices or important dates. Some posts will involve your input into commenting and giving your opinions on things happening in and around Room 13.

Lets have a wonderful year in Room 13!!! Watch this space!!