Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Longbeach Trip Tomorrow...Wednesday 27th August

A couple of things to remember for tomorrow - TORCH - you will need to bring a torch with you for one of our activites. Remember lotsa of warm clothing and a warm hat!

If we have to postphone due to weather there will be a cancellation on More FM in the morning. Hopelully we will strike it lucky with the weather this time!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Longbeach Trip - Wednesday 27th August

Well we are hoping for some good weather next week for out trip to Longbeach on Wednesday 27th August. As planned earlier we will be leaving school at 8.50am in order to get out to Longbeach and into activities by 10am.

Students will need to bring a good lunch, warm clothing(hat & jacket), and suitable footwear. Students should not wear jeans! Track pants or shorts are more suited to the activities we will be doing.

It is great to have some parent helpers coming with us to make all of our activities possible.

If you would like to come along with us and haven’t already let me know please let me know asap, it would be great to have some more people along with us.

We will be returning to school between 3.00pm -3.30pm

Any questions about this trip send me an email asloan@balmacewen.school.nz or call and leave a message at the office.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Otago Science Fair - Prize Winners

Well we have had some great successes at the Otago Science Fair which has been held down at the Otago Museum this week. Balmacewen has scoped up a large number of the awards at this. From Room 13 we had 4 pieces of work go to this and everone has won a prize or mrizes in some cases!!! A super effort. the awards are listed below. The prizegiving ceremony wil be held this Sunday at the Museum. Awesome effort and results!!!!!

Meg McKay – Does breakfast make a difference?
  • 2 X Children and Young Persons Research
  • Cluster Group Award
  • Aurora Award
Joel Smith – Sea or Sewage
  • 2 X Department of Marine Science University of Otago
  • NIWA Award

William Pelet – Skateboard stand

  • Aurora Award

Will Davidson – No pain no gain

  • Asthma Award

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Check out this cool site...Brain Pop

This cool site has some great info relating to some of the learning we are doing about the human body at the moment. It has interactive quizes as well which are great o test your knowledge.
The address and login/password are below. (the log in is for a one week trial) Once this trial expires i will load a new one to use.
user name: room13balmac
password: attack

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

They are fast!!!

Hicham El Guerrouj (Morocco) 3:26.00 Rome 14 July 1998 The world record for the 150m run is 3min 26sec. We went out as a class today and ran 100m each in relay style until we had ran 1500m, our time with 15 students running 100m each was 4min23sec, not even close to the fastest individual for this event!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Beijing 2008 - Homework 1 Athlete/Team Study

Homework – Olympic Games Athlete/Team

You are to carry out and complete a project on one of our athletes at the Beijing Olympic Games and produce a wonderful piece of work to show your findings and followings of the athlete/team.

1. Name(s) and Profile – beginnings/history, past successes, photo/drawing an info on the athlete.
2. What sport/events entered for Beijing 2008.
3. Info-graphic (full page)
4. Results – follow through all the events of this athlete/team recording their results and reports on events (this may also include information and reports from papers, websites etc). You need to write your own summary of the athletes performances (at least half page).
5. Add and include any other interesting information and findings relating to this athlete and there sport at the Beijing Games.
Timeline/Guide of Sequence
1. Decide on Athlete/Team.
2. Read/listen note take in exercise book.
3. Write up information to present – NO power points.
4. Presentation to class 2 days after games conclude.
You must
1. Show evidence of research and following of the athlete/team – in your exercise book you should have paper clippings and info found.
2. Notes recorded in book.
3. Work written in your own words
4. Neatly and clearly presented in an organised way.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Our Bones

We were lucky enough to have a look at and name some real human bones today, these bones are about 120 years old and have been passed through several doctors while learning human anatomy, ver interesting seeing all the detail of real bones!